Enhancing Your Political Polls with Sample Survey Scripts

Voting Intent and Information Collection

Greetings, fellow citizens! This is [name] from [political organization]. We are thrilled to engage with you in a brief 60-second survey about the upcoming election on [insert date]. Your opinions matter, and your input will help us better understand the pulse of the voters.

Question 1: Are you planning to cast your vote in the upcoming election on [insert date]? Let us know:

Press 1 if you intend to vote.

Press 2 if you don't plan to vote.

Press 3 if you are still undecided.

Question 2: Imagine the election was held today, who would you lend your support to? Inform us by selecting one of the following options:

Press 1 if you favor the Republican nominee, [candidate name].

Press 2 if you favor the Democrat nominee, [candidate name].

Press 3 if you are still undecided.

Question 3: We'd like to know which age group you belong to. Please choose the option that best represents your age:

Press 1 if you are between 18 and 35 years old.

Press 2 if you are between 36 and 50 years old.

Press 3 if you are between 51 and 65 years old.

Press 4 if you are over the age of 65.

Question 4: Help us understand your gender by selecting the appropriate response:

Press 1 if you identify as a man.

Press 2 if you identify as a woman.

Question 5: Lastly, we'd like to know which political party you associate with. Please indicate your preference:

Press 1 if you identify as Strongly Conservative.

Press 2 if you identify as Republican.

Press 3 if you identify as Moderate or Independent.

Press 4 if you identify as Democrat.

Press 5 if you identify as Strongly Liberal.

Press 6 if you are unsure or do not know.

Your Voice Matters!: We appreciate your valuable time and input in this survey. Remember, this call is authorized and funded by [political organization] [phone number]. Your responses play a crucial role in shaping the political landscape, and we thank you for your participation!

Building Momentum for Upcoming Elections: Favorability and Swing Bio

Hello there! We are excited to chat with you for just 30 seconds about the forthcoming election. Your opinion matters, and we are eager to hear where you stand.

Question 1: Suppose the election were held today. Who would you back for the position? Let us know by selecting one of the following:

Press 1 if you support the Republican nominee, [candidate name].

Press 2 if you support the Democrat nominee, [candidate name].

Press 3 if you are still undecided.

Question 2 (If you Press 1):

Thank you for your support! Would you be willing to proudly display a small [candidate name] YardSign in your yard? Your participation matters!

Press 1 if you'd be happy to display the YardSign.

Press 2 if you prefer not to display it (this option will take you to the end).

Question 2-A (If you say yes to YardSign):

That's fantastic! We truly appreciate your enthusiasm. Would you also be interested in volunteering or contributing to [candidate name] Campaign? Every little help counts!

Press 1 if you'd like to volunteer or contribute.

Press 2 if you are unable to volunteer or contribute (this option will take you to the end).

Question 3 (If you Press 2):

We understand that you have concerns about [candidate's] track record. Allow me to introduce myself, [candidate's name], the Republican nominee for [insert office]. I am committed to balancing the budget, combating political corruption, and elevating our educational standards. Would you consider supporting my campaign in the upcoming election?

Press 1 if you would consider supporting [candidate].

Press 2 if you still stand by [candidate].

Press 3 if you are still undecided.

Question 4 (If you Press 3):

Hello, this is [candidate], the Republican Nominee for [insert office]. I firmly believe in leading by example and prioritizing government transparency and accountability. This election is of utmost importance, and I would be immensely grateful for your support.

Press 1 if you would consider supporting [candidate].

Press 2 if you are still undecided.

Your Voice Matters!:

Thank you so much for your valuable time. This call is made possible by [political organization] [phone number]. Your participation in this survey aids in building a brighter future for our state. We sincerely appreciate your involvement!