Voter Data

Your phone messaging campaign’s success depends on having the highest quality mobile and landline records available. When you go with RoboCent, you’re already ahead of the game.

RoboCent Has the Data You Need

Getting voter data is easier now than it’s ever been. Robocall providers can sell voter data directly to their clients. What this means is that we can provide you with voter files across the whole spectrum, which includes everything from a new robocall or just updated records for door knocking.

Users can easily choose their exact voter targets with a simple request process. There’s no longer a minimum order, and for only 3¢/record, you’ll be getting the most reliable and up-to-date voter data.

High Quality Data

Political Data Providers have and provide the data for all registered voters in the United States. RoboCent is partnered with one of the political data providers industry leaders.

The positive implication of this is that all Landline and Mobile records are scrubbed, using many different verification methods. The result is that you’re left with the absolute best quality voter data for your campaign.

Up-To-Date Voter Data

In order to reach as many potential voters as possible, you need to make sure that you’re working with the most current data set for voter information. For example, the U.S. Census is always collecting the most up-to-date voter information.

RoboCent has you covered with voter data such as:

  • Full name, suffix, prefix;
  • Address with house, street, city, state, zip, and precinct;
  • Political affiliation provided by state, or inferred based on voting trends/history;
  • Age and birth year;
  • Gender;
  • Jurisdiction breakdown based on district, zip code, precinct, county, and state;
  • Demographics based on ethnicity, language, and education.

Voter Data Append

It’s not uncommon for clients to have existing voter files with information such as the Voter ID, name, and address. These files are incomplete though because they don’t have the voters’ phone numbers.

RoboCent Has You Covered

Clients’ campaign success is one of our biggest goals, so one of the services we offer is to take the list you already have and append Landline and Mobile records to it.

Campaign success is determined by targeting the correct voters, and in order to do that, you need the correct voter data. Additionally, you need sheer numbers, and RoboCent gives you those numbers that your campaign needs to target.

Our success rate averages around 60%, which is huge! Even better is that you’ll only have to pay for each successful match, so you won’t be spending vast sums of money for nothing. Each landline record costs only 2¢ and each mobile record costs only 4¢.

RoboCent Provides the Best Voter Lists

We’re able to provide the the best voter data lists for a number of reasons. Our AutoDial software is powerful and when you pair a new call list with it, you’ll instantly be boosting name ID and maximizing voter engagement.

RoboCent promises reliability and convenience so you won’t have to worry about where to find the best voter lists.

Complimentary Phone List Scrubbing

It’s really important that campaigns stay compliant with the FCC and the TCPA. To help you do this, RoboCent offers a complementary, free phone list scrubbing service.

How it Works

Prior to spending a dime or even scheduling an outgoing message, our customers can upload their entire phone list straight to their RoboCent account.

Once your phone list is uploaded, you’ll select “Scrub Phone List” so that you can identify the total number of Landline and Mobile numbers that are on your list; it also identifies any Duplicate or Invalid records. Scrubbing basically means that you can make sure you won’t be calling any numbers you’re not supposed to be.

We also have a built-in feature called “Get a Quote”. When you use RoboCent’s outbound messaging services to contact your voter list, you’ll be able to see an immediate cost breakdown of each contact.

RoboCent Data Request Features

Data requests are fairly similar across the board, but RoboCent stands out in many areas.

Voter Data Request Tool

The voter data request tool is incredibly helpful because it gives you live counts for mobile numbers, landlines, emails, as well as for all voters. As you complete the form(s), the counts will be auto-populating in real time at the top of the web page.

The live counts will change as you change any criteria, so don’t forget to periodically review the counts.

Micro Targeting

Another tool RoboCent provides is a micro targeting tool. By using this, you’ll be able to specifically and accurately target voters based on:

  • Location (zip code and county);
  • Demographics (age, sex, ethnicity);
  • Party affiliation;
  • Voting history.

Summary for the State of Virginia

Unique landlines: 24,717

Unique mobile: 28,897

Unique emails: 26,897

All voters: 51,952

Low Cost Pricing

RoboCent’s voter data is the most cost-effective on the market. Each voter record costs mere cents. We’re able to offer this competitive pricing as a result of the partnerships we’ve developed with our Data Partner. This relationship lets us make bulk purchases of voter data records.

Our customers also benefit from these savings. RoboCent strives to make sure that our users not only get to save money, but that they always have access to the highest quality data out there. Why? Because we want them to be able to run successful campaigns.

RoboCent’s Prices

When you choose to go with RoboCent for your messaging campaign and voter data collection, you’ll be getting a huge upgrade in quality, as well as saving a ton of money. Below is a list of our standard voter data pricing:

  • Landline: 3¢
  • Mobile: 5.5¢
  • Email: 10¢

If you want more details on pricing for getting voter data, click here.

RoboCent is the best of the best when it comes to collecting voter data, and here’s why:

  • We offer an industry-wide low cost of 3¢/record;
  • Our ordering system is quick, easy, and has a fast response time;
  • We offer discounts on AutoDial services with list purchase;
  • We have the ability to purchase email addresses and cell phone numbers;
  • We provide free list scrubbing so that you can stay fully compliant;
  • We give you the option to buy data directly for AutoDial campaigns or for independent use;
  • We have a support team available 24/7 to answer questions and provide product support.

Terms and Conditions

RoboCent does not host, sell, provide, or maintain records of any personally identifiable information such as social security numbers, credit card numbers, health records, digitized or electronic signatures, place of birth, drivers license number, or family history.

Voter Data: RoboCent provides User the option to purchase voter data on behalf of a political organization that User represents, provided the User is authorized to do so and follows all applicable Federal and State Laws regarding the purchase of the voter data. By selling voter data, including but not limited to phone numbers (landlines or mobile), RoboCent is not granting permission to contact, call, or message the phone numbers.

User is solely responsible for ensuring that the purchase and use of any voter data, regardless of how obtained, complies with all applicable local, state, federal laws, rules, regulations, and restrictions. In the event User purchases voter data from RoboCent, User expressly agrees, affirms, and represents that it will only use voter data in a lawful and responsible manner, and further that it will indemnify and hold RoboCent harmless to the fullest extent under the law, from any and all claims that may arise from User’s purchase or use of the voter data, regardless of how obtained. Voter data is reserved specifically for purchase only for registered political campaigns, committees, and organizations.

The voter data shall not be used in advertising, marketing, solicitation, business purposes, or real estate, unless given explicit permission from RoboCent. RoboCent reserves the right to refuse services to any organization or individual that does not meet this criteria and may request documentation to verify the organization’s authenticity.